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SVCompetition: Services

For Sponors

BigThink and Raffa Social Capital Advisors are pleased to invite you to be one of our leadership sponsors for the nation’s first social venture competition to be broadcast online. The online Global Social Venture Competition will tell the world the journey of the America’s fastest growing business sector--the social venture. Social ventures combine the best practices of business with compassion for improving the world and are having a transformational impact. The entreprepreneur story will be told through classes and stories of the participating companies and how they will help the world.

Male Speaker

For Companies Entering the Competition

Do you have an idea for a Social Impact Venture? Apply to join Raffa Social venture Challenge for a chance to pitch and learn from some of the top investors in D.C. Take free classes and coaching sessions from experienced social entrepreneurs as you perfect your pitch for a chance to win money and coaching for the future of your company!

Business Meeting

Buy Tickets

Get your ticket today for what is set to be one of the biggest competitions to ever appear on

Adult Education Course
Modern City

Do you have an idea for a Social Impact Venture? Apply to join Raffa Social venture Challenge for a chance to pitch and learn from some of the top investors in D.C. Take free classes and coaching sessions from experienced social entrepreneurs as you perfect your pitch for a chance to win money and coaching for the future of your company!

Please fill out the form with your information and attach your pitch deck along with a video of your pitch for a chance to compete in the elite pitch competition. 

Thanks for submitting!

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